Introducing Sebra

Hej! Vi har good nyheder.

We’re thrilled to today welcome the Danish design classic SEBRA to Ingrid & Emil. Since it’s founding in 2004, Sebra has become a modern design icon and favourite among style-conscious parents.

Many of the brand’s products are handmade and therefore unique, and the focus is on authentic materials like wood, wool, recycled paper and organic cotton.

Sebra believes that creating a joyful home with space for children and their creativity does not mean having to make aesthetic compromises, and we couldn’t agree more.

Did you know that Sebra also holds the honour of carrying forward the cultural heritage of the iconic Juno bed, now called the Sebra bed, which was designed by Danish architect Viggo Einfeldt in 1942-43?

The Juno bed and Viggo Einfeldt are listed under the category, “Children’s Culture” in the Danish Cultural Canon consisting of 108 works, all representing the essence of Danish heritage, indispensible Danish works of art and Danish design icons.

Sebra bed

“Through the years, several generations have purchased the original Juno bed in new or used condition in Denmark, and generations of children have slept in this bed. Therefore, today’s parents, grandparents and great-grandparents have a very special relationship with this design icon. The heirs to this cultural treasure have chosen to allow Sebra to bring the Juno bed and the Danish design legacy forward and we are very proud and thankful for that”, says founder and owner of Sebra Interiør, Mia Dela.

We at Ingrid & Emil are thrilled to be able to offer a slice of Danish cultural heritage to welcome into your children’s room and then be loved for many years to come. Explore the Sebra collection here.
